Exactly What we Needed
SCORE: 92/100
I wholeheartedly agree with my fellow critics when they say that Jackass Forever is the movie we needed at this moment in time. Will it change the landscape of cinema as we know it? No. Will it alter the course of the pandemic? No. What it will do though? Provide much needed and earned laughter is its attendants.
If by some miracle you aren't aware of what the Jackass films are, it's actor and stuntman Johnny Knoxville and his buddies putting themselves through the craziest stunts and the most insane pranks. This time around the crew has some new blood to throw into the grinder, and every new cast member brings a level of commitment as well as heart to the crew.
My one critique is that the film is a bit too short for my liking. I would've preferred at least fifteen more minutes, as my theatrical reunion with these crazy people felt too quick. In addition, the notable absence of Bam Margera felt a bit odd. While I realize that he did break his contract, and I hope he gets better soon, his presence would've helped with the nostalgia. The only skit that didn't work for was the one with the tarantula, which I couldn't watch due to phobias.
Those out of the way, the skits here have some awesome new ideas, as well as a couple that harken back to the good old days. Standout bits include "Silence of the Lambs" and the various "Cup Tests". However, the best part of the entire movie is the intro sequence, which I won't spoil here, but it is by far the best in the series.
It's hard to review a film like this, since it's more skits and laughs than story and character, but I cannot deny how this film made me feel. Jackass has a understated importance in the world today, providing a warm and fuzzy reunion with friends that took me back in time. Thinking on how much I love this series, and how much it means to me, brings a tear to my eye even while writing this two days later. Even more so is the touching tribute to Ryan Dunn, which to a long-time fan brings tears as well. Who would've thought that Jackass could be the thing that brings us all back together?
Final Thought: The emotions permeate through this incredibly hysterical and side-splittingly good time remind us of the power of friendship and laughter.
Score: 92/100
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